Friday, 7 October 2011

7/10/2011 - Spa Park and the Lost Dog

Before I begin I'd like to make you all very jealous by telling you that in my room at Bryce and Diane's, there are glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It's awesome.

I woke up at 8 this morning and was all ready to get up when I got myself into a perfect position of comfort and warmth, so decided I deserved a lay in and fell back asleep. When I did wake up again at 10.30 I had a text from Gen asking if I wanted to go there for breakfast. Gen is Diane's daughter who lives two doors down by the way. So I walked over there and Anton made a cooked breakfast which was very nice. Two cups of tea and some bacon later, they needed to go pick up a bed, so they dropped me in town so I could get my bag fixed. I took it into a clothing alterations place where they also fixed shoes, I figured they'd have the equipment to fix it. So I was well impressed when the lady said she would have it done by 5pm. Gen and Anton weren't back yet so I went and read some magazines in a cafe with a pot of tea and a jam slice, it was nice to chill out like that. I also took a wander and found a shop of hippy clothes which reminded me of Greenpeace festivals, I ended up getting myself a hairband for there.

Gen came and got me and we decided to go for a walk to Spa Park and take Gen's old dog that they gave to one of their friends. However, we got to the friends to find the dog had got out and was in the pound! Plan 2 was to go and pick up Gen's other friend's dog and take her for a walk. This dog was lovely, a black lab who was still a puppy really and was so full of energy. We made our way over to Spa Park and walked down to the riverside and it was so gorgeous. We planned to swim and Gen had told me the water was geothermal, but I still can't believe and hot and relaxing and lovely it was. The temperatures were a range because of the hot geothermal water from the waterfalls meeting the cold water of the river, so the higher you went, the hotter the water. I had a great time, and so did Luxie the dog as she swam and shook her wetness all over the other people about, poor them.

Then the drama started. We looked around and Luxie was gone. We split up and spent a good hour looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen, but we'd had reports that she'd been seen 20 minutes down the walking trail towards Huka Falls, so we decided we'd leave (it was getting late and we both had to be places) and go back. On our way out we met a guy Gen knows who said he'd drive up to the falls to see if he could find her. So we set off for town to pick up my bag and to meet Gen's friend at her place to get the bed. That done, we picked up Hayley and then got the call that Murray had found Luxie at the falls! Yay! We went to pick her up and it was her, phew.

Crisis averted, we headed over to Hayley and Craig's place this evening for a lush BBQ and I ate really big mussels, not like the one's from Yarmouth, they were massive. But now I've gotta get some sleep because my ride to Auckland is picking me up at 7am, ouch. Night!

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