Monday, 31 October 2011

1/11/2011 - The Sunshine Capital

On my last night in Picton, we actually had Auflauf again, which was lovely.

We sat and ate, and more people turned up. That night we went to the Irish bar to watch a band called The Shop. We gained a few people, Rob, Lucy and Steve and we spent a couple of hours there until we went back to the hostel and Matt played some guitar. It was a nice last night, really nice.

The next morning, I got to lay-in (no work!) then updated Hayley on the gossip over some laundry, wrote in Cheryl's book then it was pretty much time to go. Got the shuttle to the ferry terminal to find it was running late and wouldn't get in for another hour and a half, which meant my bus wouldn't come until then either. Hayley, being lovely, waited with me, so we sat and talked in the lovely sunshine and I done a quick change in the back of the van when I realised a jumper was not the right clothing choice for the day.

The bus finally came at 1.30pm, I slept for the whole 2 hour journey since I'd only got about 2 hours sleep the night before. Got into Nelson and decided to stay at Paradiso instead of Tasman Bay, since the girls will be staying here when they come tomorrow. (Very excited about this!) Spent the night reading and Skyping Nikki, where I got my first look at beautiful baby Sophie and it caught me totally of guard but I couldn't help but cry - happy tears of course - but I just was not expecting it one bit!

Yesterday, Rob and I arranged to meet around midday, so I spent the morning using the library's free wifi to Skype Mum and Vicki then headed of in the lovely sunshine towards the cathedral. It's pretty spectacular on the outside, the bell tower is all open. Rob was running a bit late, so I laid in the sun on the grass listening to the radio from my phone, which was just gorgeous. Rob turned up and we hung out there for a while, chatting and apparently also having a grass fight! We decided to have a look around the cathedral, but sadly it was so as impressive inside as on the outside, I really did want to play their beautiful grand piano though.

We wandered around for a bit, and Rob suggested going up to the Centre of New Zealand. It's a place that has been proclaimed as the centre point of the whole country. Sounds good. What I failed to realise is that it was up a pretty steep hill. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you'll know that the only thing I dislike about NZ is hills. Norfolk has no hills, I'm not used to them. I'll walk all day on level ground, but put me on a hill and I'll be tired in 5 minutes. Rob, on the other hand, is of very good fitness. I am not. So it was hilarious me walking up this hill for around 20 minutes, demanding breaks and stopping to 'look at the sights'. But we got there, and sat at the top admiring the view and talking in the sun for a good hour. 

When we walked down, we went and got a coffee at Starbucks and I got a Wildberry Slice since I hadn't eaten yet. I'm glad I've gone back to having only a little appetite after having the biggest appetite last week and apparently never being full, it's so much cheaper this way and with the amount of walking I'm doing, I'm hopefully losing a bit of weight too that I gained from having chocolate pudding every night in Picton.

So we sat in Starbucks for about an hour, talking about education and politics and current affairs, it was all very civilised! We went to the iSite to look into the Abel Tasman walk (for him, not me!) and then popped into the AA since Rob misplaced his license but wanted to see if he could still rent a car, the answer was no. It was getting towards 5pm by now, so after a cheeky Burger King (again for him, not me...okay I had a couple of his fries) I walked back to my hostel for some dinner. We decided that since it was Halloween we should either go for a drink or at least do something, we decided on Paranormal Activity 3 at the cinema. 

I had a boring couple of hours, done some laundry, had some free soup, took a shower and got ready. Lost my shampoo when I knocked it out of the shower window into the gutter below. I must say that I looked awesome last night, you know those nights where your hair and make-up goes just right? I had one of those nights. 

Met Rob at the cinema at five to nine. The screen was tiny, even smaller than GY cinema, and there weren't many people there either. I was scared. The movie was scary. Well, maybe not scary but jumpy, very very jumpy. Rob will deny it, but at one point he jumped too! Me being a jumpy person in everyday life, I spent a good portion of the second half hiding. 

We tried to get a drink after the movie, but all the bars were closed. It was 10.30pm on Halloween, Nelson, come on! Unbelievable! So instead, Rob taught me how to play chess. I am now an expert. Okay I'm not an expert but I at least know the basics. Walked back at 1.40am but only slept until 8am since the girl who introduced herself as "metal through and through" to me decided to play electric guitar at 8am and the French guys were very very loud when they were packing, I almost wished I'd made loads of noise when I got back late last night, honestly.

Today the weather is pretty rubbish, rainy and stuff, so I've been reading and writing this. Matt's no longer coming to Nelson, which sucks, but the girls should be coming tomorrow which is awesome! 

Good times had by all!

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