Saturday, 9 July 2011

9/7/2011 - Kids Everywhere!

The first time I went upstairs this morning, just the kids and Adam were up. I grabbed a muffin or 2 and retreated back into my basement... (sounds like I'm locked away, it's actually very nice, I'll take some pictures for you guys.) This morning I managed to get pretty much all of the laundry done as well as emailing Dave, skyping with Nanny, Carl, Jessica, Charlie and Lara, and I even managed to watch a movie that was on Comedy Central with Queen Latifah in it, airing at 9am.. what? I think it was called Bringing Down the House.

I went up again later and everyone was up and about, and Marci was about to go to Bojangles to pick up lunch.
When we'd eaten lunch we went over the Birch Tree to see Jess and then all of us plus Kathy went on a short walk on the Greenway. All of us is; Emma, Adam, Marci, Kathy, Little Adam, Enoch, Sophie, Sienna and me! So there was quite a troop of us in the end.

I guess today has been kind of a quiet day, but it sure didn't seem like it with a million kids running about - lucky they're all cute as hell right?

Short post, short day!

P.S. - whoever commented on yesterdays post, THANK YOU, but it came up as anonymous because you didn't leave your name... so thanks mystery person, and I won't bring spiders back!

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