Saturday, 30 July 2011

30/7/2011 - Reminiscent of Pizza Hut

It's really funny how some things don't change no matter what continent you're on. Last night we went to Town Tavern and I got a wristband (yay!) and ended up hanging out with the people Emma knew who work at Ingles, the grocery store. They were all out together and it reminded me of going out with people from Pizza Hut - aw!

Anyhow, last night was karaoke. Nope, still not singing. But Emma sung Ice Ice Baby and nailed it! Some annoying guy called Travis was very drunk and although it was nice of him to buy my drinks, I didn't appreciate the constant falling into me or the persistent "Geri. Geri. Geri. Geri." that he had going on.

Emma's Mum and brother are in town, so we've been hanging out with them. We went to Glidewells in Blowing Rock yesterday for lunch with the gift voucher we won at trivia that time. Food was nice, atmosphere was pretentious... that kinda deal. Then we went to the outlet mall so the kids could ride on the little 25c rides and I bought a dress from Aeropostle that was supposed to be $32 and paid $5.99 for it.

The last few days have been funny. I've been doing a lot of thinking about myself as a person and who I want to be and why, zoning out a lot which I think makes me seem like something is bothering me when it's not. I have had quite a few awe inspiring moments as well, such as seeing shooting stars the other night, or sitting this evening on the back of the car, watching the storm roll in all around us. It's magical in these mountains. I've also played a lot of piano this last week. That makes me happy, very happy.

I haven't got any pictures for you all today. Plus, the pictures I post rarely convey the beauty that's around. I almost wish you guys could see through my eyes sometimes.

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