Sunday, 21 August 2011

21/8/2011 - Suspicious Minds

Thursday and Friday were kinda bad days for me. I felt really down about results and not much etter after looking for Uni's. Keeping me mildly sane however was knowing that Shannon and Whitney were taking me to New Orleans on the Saturday. Saturday completley turned it around.

Saturday morning I spent finding that the UEA pretty much do my perfect degree, Politics and Media AND I can do a semester abroad with that too. The problem here was that their entry requirements are ABB and I have ABC. However, I spoke to Lucy and Jen, who both told me they got in despite not having the exact requirements, and their friend Nick got in for English with ABC needing ABB cos his A was in English. My A is in Politics so it looks kinda promising, so I'm thinking I'll call the admissions office tomorrow and have a chat.

Spent the afternoon yoga-ing and watching Mrs. Doubtfire (flashbacks of my brother pretending to be Mrs Doubtfire). Then at 5.30pm Shannon and her husband Chris came and picked me up. Shannon had made a sign for the derby game and it was just generally exciting. We waited at Shannon's for Whitney and Ashleigh and then set off for New Orleans, about an hour away. Had a bit of a smoke and arrived at the University of New Orleans for the roller derby game, Crescent Wenches vs. Cajun Rollergirls. The atmosphere was so good! Met Shannon's friend Andrea and found some seats in the bleachers alongside some of the girls who weren't playing. Oh, I should probably mention, Shannon is a Cajun Rollergirl but she's on break right now, so you can tell who we were supporting! I can't say I fully understood to begin with, but I was still loving it. As the bout went on, I got more into it and actually understood when people were scoring points etc and why the crowd were booing/cheering. Unfortunately, the CRGs lost, but I enjoyed it regardless. We hung around for a while afterwards and Shannon chatted to lots of people she knew. All the girls were really cool, and the cheerleaders who had the cutest outfits with fringing (fringing came up a lot last night...).

After here we jumped back in the car and went over to Mona's Cafe, a Lebanese restaurant that Shannon said was really good. She wasn't wrong. I had the kallaya which was chicken with grilled tomatoes, garlic, onion and some spices, served with salad, humus and pitta bread, and it was gorgeous. I tried some of Shannon's catfish too, and that was so good! Some other people from the bout joined us for food, so there were 10 of us all together and it was good fun. Also, Lebanese tea is good!

We then went onto the Kingpin for the Clockwork Elvis tribute band. When we got there, Emma's ID worked (yay!), and we walked into a packed bar that was pretty much Elvis themed. Four girls were dancing up on a raised platform along to the band which were supposedly dressed as if they were in Clockwork Orange, but performing Elvis songs. They were real good, and after a beer we all had a little dance. Happily bopping away, I find that I have an Elvis with his arm (and cape...) around me, singing Suspicious Minds! He got super into it, I was serenaded by Elvis. Gotta say, I got kinda into it too, it was heartfelt. After being serenaded by Elvis, he tried to make me dance with him. But this dancing was not the kind of dancing me and Rhea bust out on a Saturday night in Longbar, oh no, it was real, swing dancing. I cannot do that and swiftly exited the dancefloor. There was an amazing couple who really could dance though and I was in total awe of them all night, I do wish I could dance properly. After being serenaded by Elvis he turned to me and said - "I'm not really Elvis... I'm an attorney..." - No Elvis, really!? He got a little creepy after that, I moved away.

But, what an awesome night! Made it home around 3am thanks to Whitney and slept until 1pm. Success.

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